GEN Cyber - Enterprise Grade Cyber Security

Available to businesses of all sizes and needs

Cyber Security

Cyber Security is a strange term that often subverts peoples understanding of the topic. Essentially its the protection of your computer systems from threats, and dealing with those threats.

Its encompasses a broad range of services including Network Security, Endpoint (Your computer's) Security, and Server Security.

There isn't a week that passes without some large organisation having to admit that millions of records of personal data have been stolen by cyber criminals and that can be business ending unless you are large enough to pay the fines and continue trading.

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Is it Expensive?

No it is not. Our initial consultation is FREE and thereafter to protect your computer systems, and ultimately your commercial longevity is not an expensive exercise but it is an ongoing cost which varies widely depending on your size.

Awareness Training

It may be difficult to hear, but your employees are the biggest risk to your computer systems. The most significant risk and the most common cause of a data breach is email. We all know not to open attachments we aren't expecting, but they will.


If you're coming here because you already believe that your systems may have been compromised, then we will investigate this and provide you with all the information needed to understand the how and why.

Breaches and CVEs

CVE or (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) are vulnerabilities in software that have been identified as potentially dangerous. Almost all data breaches that aren't due to human behaviour are due to unpatched vulnerabilities in software. We maintain a list of current CVE which is available to review.

A list of notable databreaches is available at DB, so you can see the scale of the risk, and potential damage to your reputation and business.


At GEN, we are committed to delivering top-tier cyber security solutions tailored to the needs of small businesses and SMEs. With our expertise and cutting-edge technologies, you can have confidence that your digital assets are secure, allowing you to concentrate on what matters most – your core business objectives. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help protect your organization from ever-evolving cyber threats.

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