IT Outsourcing

Your own IT Department fully staffed for a fraction of the cost

IT Outsourcing

For any business, how to manage your IT is something that requires careful consideration. You can hire your own staff, train them, and then rely on them to handle every eventuality, or you can outsource the management of your IT to a third party, or can you do a mix of both.

Please Consider reading our What is Outsourcing White Paper

Think of outsourcing as having your own IT department, fully staffed and covered for a fraction of the cost and with none of the hassle. GEN's total-remote outsourcing agreements are available as rolling contracts with no long term commitments, if you don't like the service you can terminate at any time without any penalties.

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If you want to employ your own internal IT staff, then GEN can provide technical backup or technical management of some part of the IT function. Your staff, for example, could handle your desktops, laptops, and devices, and we can manage your servers and connectivity. This kind of shared outsourcing is very common, because your servers and infrastructure are vital, whereas desktops and laptops can easily withstand a few failures without impacting the business. We will clearly define who is responsible for what, and the service guarantees that you can rely on.

We can supplement your staff as needed during periods of upgrade, or move/change so shorten downtime and disruptions, and we can provide disaster recovery and business continuity services only.


We ARE your IT department, we handle all the IT function, from desktops, laptops, servers, connectivity, and all other IT functions. There are various levels of total outsourcing and we'll put together a solution that fits your needs perfectly and provides a cost reduction. We can, for example, provide technical staff on site a few days a week, or permanently, and we can handle break/fix on endpoints as fix on site, same day replacement, next day replacement or RTB and any combination of these.

Total outsourcing is a great option for small businesses who don't want to hire their own IT staff, and for large business who want to outsource everything for a fixed budgetary cost.


Some companies need staff on-site all the time, and that's fine. We can supply the staff or you can, but if we provide them, you won't need to worry about holidays, sick, personality clashes, or any other circumstances that could derail the efficient operation of the business. If we provide your staff, then when they're unable to attend, we'll send someone else equally as capable to ensure you're covered. But even if you in-source your own staff, then having an outsourcing agreement provides those staff with the technical backup and resources of GEN should they ever need to escalate an issue.

Imagine having 2 IT people directly employed by you, and they have a service that fails, then you'll need to wait for them to work through it and fix it. Perhaps its hardware, software, both maybe. With Hybrid outsourcing, when the worst happens your team of two become a team of many with near immediate access to parts, software, cloud stand-ins and more.

Is it Expensive?

No, its not, and in many cases outsourcing costs less than insourcing, but with all the added benefits and cost reduction. If you need staff on-site permanently then the cost for them is slightly more than employing them directly, but not by much and with all the benefits. If you need strict service levels, e.g a 4 hour response, 24/7, and cold hardware then it starts to get more expensive - but inversely so does the risk.

GEN is a UK based company, and our outsourcing services are on-shore.

Proactive & Continuity

Proactive outsourcing brings another component to the portfolio, where we prepare, plan and implement a series of disaster recovery and business continuity strategies so ensure that no matter what, IT won't be an issue.

Proactive support programmes are tested and practised to ensure that we've got it covered. If you have your own insource staff, then proactive outsourcing is a good fit when IT is an important component to business continuity.

Request a Quotation

Quotations are obligation free assessments of your needs, where we'll price it for your current level of cover, and several levels above, giving you the choice to select the right cover for your business.

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