AI Solutions & Services

Without the pitfalls

If you're interested in AI soltuions, and how you can apply AI to your business, then GEN has the experience and systems to achieve that.

We have our own in-house AI models, that are

  • Secure and GDPR Compliant, protecting your data and business.
  • Fast and Responsive, with investments in the latest technology and servers.
  • Many, so you're not stuck with GPT-3 or 4 and have many better options.
  • Integrated, with our cloud hosting and virtualisation platforms.

Large language models (LLM's) are the base behind any AI solution, and we have an entire catalogue to choose from, some are better at math, some excel with document analysis, some are great at image analysis, some are suitable to closely controled chatbots, and much more. GEN isn't limited in any way, meaning that we can provide in-house solutions, that can be deployed on-premise if you prefer.

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Document Analysis (RAG)

By feeding in all your corporate documents, you can use the power of large language models to interact with that data in a new way. Imagine being able to open a prompt and type in "what is the company policy on sick pay?" and have the model render an answer in your language. "How many sales did Brian make in November 1st through January 31st?" and have the model give you an accurate answer without you having to pull sales reports for those months then add it up. AI can do this, given the correct programming, conversion and fine tuning.

Pattern Analysis

Consume volumes of numerical or textual data, and use the power of large language models to analyse it and extract patterns and insights from it. Combine AI with more traditional data science techniques to further refine the output.

Pattern analysis can be used to idenfity documents that do or do not contain specific patterns, such as verifying scripts or training data, and even call recordings to identify fraudulent calls or to ensure script complaince.


Channel AI and conventional processing in a pipeline, so that the output of AI can be the input of something else. A great example of this is AI powered IVR, where we ask a caller what they want, we turn that into text, pass into a model and get back a response. That response is then filtered and used to drive the response we play back to the caller. This might be the final answer, or it could be a secondary question. This technique can also be used to power chatbots, and even helpdesk systems, automating as much as possible before a human is required.

Its really important to understand that AI powered solutions are not always the best option, and just because you can doesn't always mean you should, expecially when customer 'happiness' is at risk.


Quickly translate documents and even spoken words into any language. We can take a website, web-page, emails, documents and recordings and use the power of AI to perform the translations. This can greately reduce the cost of translation, whilst providing a better use experience.

Knowledge Base (RAG)

If you have a significant number of technical documents, you can use a language model to provide quick answers to technical questions. To do this, we analyse the question, select the applicable documents, covert those to a vectorisation and then pass the question and the embeddings to the language model. You can then add this into your website, or even a chat-bot and now your customers can take a shortcut to their answers.

Is is important to understand, that the process is a little more complex, and if you want to expose end users to this language model then there will be a need for optimisation and fine tuning, which is beyond the scope of this page, but essentially large language models make mistakes, and it is important to limit the number of possible mistakes when exposing it to end users.

Cloud or Private

You do not need to use a cloud provider to access language models, and indeed there are some important privacy concerns. GEN can host your AI model, in the UK, or you can host them yourself on site. We are able to provide whatever you require.

Talk to one now?

Select Home then Ask to talk to our resident large language model. This is a real LLM, and it will answer real questions, but remember what I said about making mistakes. If you want some entertainment, as it to write a poem about GEN.

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