Richard has been with the firm since 1992 and was one of the founding partners
In the first installment of our stories from the partners section, comes a tale from the 80s that is both entertaining and informative.
When I was much younger, I was sent to a paper mill in the north of England to investigate and fix their automated tractor. Upon arriving I was staggered at the size of this monster machine, designed to carry around 30-ton rolls of paper and load them into lines.
In this industrial environment, "Lines" refers to a series of machines that take a massive roll of paper, and then cut and shape it into A4, envelopes, notebooks, book paper, etc, and there were 8 lines in this factory. The image to the right is
unfortunately not of the factory, but it's an illustration.
The tractor picks up rolls of paper from two bays and then transports it to the required line, and loads it into the spooler (being the thing that holds the roll and feeds it into the line).
The issue
This tractor takes simple instructions via radio, in the form of from bay to bay, and then heads to the pick-up bay, receives its roll, heads to the line and unloads its roll.
There's no fancy lidar, radar, or cameras, instead white and yellow lines on the ground allow the tractor to follow a path and various stripes indicate the location. With such simplicity, what could go wrong?
It just stops.
Then needing two forklift loaders to be driven in, take the paper roll, return that to the loading bay and finally power cycle the tractor and allow it to find its way back to the home position. A time consuming and dangerous process that the company
wants to avoid.
The Investigation
The person who put this thing together had left the company, but I was handed a thick folder with circuit diagrams
and two floppy disks with the software on. I took the weekend to trawl through this, and try and form a theory as to
what was wrong.
Unfortunately, I couldn't see anything immediately that could cause the issue in the hardware, so it was time to
look at the software.
Written in GNU C, the code was surprisingly basic for the functionality. We had a main loop that ran through a series
of functions to read status information, check reflective sensors, check for a radio buffer, update some lights
(that didn't physically exist), and send commands
to the tractor. Without a PIO, input and output was via a series of address mapped latches picked up in hardware
with 74 series logic and moved in and out of the data bus, which sounds archaic but was fairly common at the time.
The first step was to identify what was causing it to 'stop'. Is it hardware, software or both, and can we not
recover from this position without all the hassle?
A logic analyser would be a great tool, but unfortunately at the time they were excessively expensive, so all I had
was a scope and a logic probe. Taking my extensive toolset to the tractor, which had nowhere to sit, I rode around
for about 4 hours until
it came to a halt, at which point I confirmed the processor was running, address/data lines were flitting (is that
the right word?) and I could confirm that it was no longer responsive to any external sensor, so its a software
crash right?
Well, not necessarily, so I swapped out the 8080, and the 4k of RAM and gave it another run. After a day it was still
running fine and a sense of optimism was beginning to take hold when - its stopped again.
The Code
Looking at the source code in more detail I could see a few places where it could potentially get 'lost' simply
because of the way it was written. Input was read and written into ram address space, and then other functions
checked these
values and made decisions by setting other addresses, which was then read by other functions to determine what
command should be sent to where. That's not an unreasonable way to code it, but it can lead to ambiguous conditions
because nothing was
interrupt driven. For sensors that read the reflectivity of floor tape, for example, it reads either zero or one
from the actual sensor which is latched into address space, together with a timer value that is incremented on each
loop through. This provided
something like sensor1 == 1, 100ms. When we read this again and it was no longer 1, then we'd push the 1 and the
timer into a buffer which gave us something like;
1 100ms, 1 50ms, 0 50ms, 1 50ms, 0 100ms, so that's 1 long, 1 short, 0 short, 1 short, 0 long, and this would
that we're passing bay 5. The long 1 and 0 indicate the start and end of the location, the 3 bits in the middle are
bay number.
This would have been better/easier to do in hardware, pushing the bits into a shift register with a 555 timer
clocking it, then shifting the register into address space when full, but for whatever reason it was done in
Another issue was all this extra code that seems to have been a work in progress but is never called, that's not
unusual either but it can make it hard to read. So, I removed all the stuff that's never called, and I removed the
code that
updates the lights, because we haven't got any lights, and added a bunch of comments in what was left, to help me
work through it.
Now, why is it crashing? The only possible hole in the code is 'what if' we get a location that is not in sequence.
That is, when moving down the factory we expect the bays to increase, bay 1, bay 2, bay 3 etc, and likewise if we're
reversing back up
the factory, then we'd expect to see this decreasing bay 3, bay 2, bay 1 etc. There is a check that makes sure for
FORWARD, location should be > the last location, and for REVERSE, location should be < last location. If this test
fails, the code sets location to null and since the forward signal depends on there being a location (so it
won't move unless it knows where it is) then it will stop with other functions desperately cycling looking for
more floor codes to read.
With a working theory, it was time to recompile the code, burn it onto a EEPROM (Yes I know) and then replace
that in the tractor. At the same time I noticed that the supply voltage was low, the tractor was designed to
work on 24v, yet we're only seeing
about 18v supplied to the electronics, which then regulates it down to 5V. This was found to be a missing
battery, which was in this vehicle 4 x 6v with only 3 connected. In discussion with the on-site maintenance
we replaced the missing battery and measured the
correct 24v.
The Test
With the new firmware, which really hadn't changed much, and the fixed batteries, the tractor was powered up
and it lurched back until it found its stop line. We eagerly issued it a command to collect from bay 5, and
deliver to bay 10.
With a renewed vigor the tractor made its way down the machine hall reaching the turn for bay 5, it stopped,
rotated 90 degrees and headed in. After a little alignment it received 1 30ton roll of paper, and backed out
until it reached the main path. Another -90 degree rotation and a little
alignment and it took off towards bay 10. It should be noted that with 24v it was considerably more
spritely, which was nice.
The Incident
About half way between bay 5 and bay 10 the tractor stopped, and not a slow stop but a sudden and immediate
stop, which in itself isn't a problem, but anyone with even an even basic understanding of physics can
appreciate that a 30 ton roll of
paper is going to be less willing to come to an immediate stop, and therefore it jumped from the forks
holding it and after hitting the factory floor with a thump that could be felt several buildings away, it
started its slow but deliberate journey down the hall.
The staff, who seem surprised by nothing, moved slowly out of its path, pulling the odd bin out of the way
and we all watched its progress. It is worth saying that the trip from where it was 'released' to the end
of the machine hall was about 30 metres, and yet
our paper roll carried on regardless in a slow but deliberate progression.
At this point, my attention, and that of those around me turned to the wall that it was approaching, slowly
but deliberately, and there was a moment of panic when some people thought that something should be done.
Nothing could be done and we collectively
watched our beloved paper roll exit the machine hall through a newly created doorway, about the size of
said paper roll.
At this time of course there was a fair degree of panic, and we rushed to the front of the building to see
where it had stopped, only to find that it hadn't yet stopped and had passed through the training room, the
locker room, the gents toilets and was now heading across the car park.
Whilst the factory floor was very flat and level, the car park was not, having a clear slope away from the
building, giving our runaway some extra momentum as it remodelled a Jaguar and a Granada before heading out
of the company through a wall and into wasteland.
The Aftermath
Now I'm sure many of you are now fairly sure this way my fault, and technically it was, but there were
mitigating factors. Firstly, the circuit diagrams were outdated and not current, the code was even more
outdated and a much later version clearly existed 'somewhere', but I can
only work with what I'm given.
Secondly, the reason we only had 3 batteries connected, it transpired, was to solve the problem of sudden
stops because with only 18V there wasn't enough to (a) apply the park brake, and (b) travel as fast, and
rather than fix the code, it appears
this was the 'fix' for escaping paper rolls.
Was I asked to leave or escorted from the premises? No, they'd seen it all before and I was given the later
code which was apparently on site all along, together with some sketches of newer circuit diagrams and
I decided to simply start again, not having any confidence in the code or electronics, but the electrical hydraulic systems
were fine. I used a Z80 development board, a Z80 PIO and some Veroboards with logic on them to reproduce the
functionality. I kept the
floor markings, because they worked but added some IR sensors to all sides to detect people, and I built
logic to read in the floor codes, and handle them through the PIO from the shift registers.
The software was of course written in C, and took about 2 weeks to complete, after which the tractor had the
added ability of handling multiple requests at once; e.g. Bay 5 to Bay 10, then Bay 5 to Bay 4, etc, which
pleased everyone. I also had a granular
control on the power, so it would slowly accelerate/decelerate and I used interrupts in the way they should
be used to handle when it lost sight of one of the side, front or rear markers.
The system was handed over, with complete circuit diagrams and commented code, and my time was up. By this
time of course the walls were repaired and the gents didn't have to take it outside any more - it was
Its worth saying that this company was decades ahead of the competition, with an automated system that loaded
these rolls into the machines, and those machines ran 24/7 producing paper products, with only a few staff
that were there to monitor and to offload the resultant stock to storage.
It is still one of the most interesting jobs I undertook, and my first foray into robotics, and on a massive
scale. Since then I've been involved in quite a few automation/robots projects but nothing quite as hands on
as this, and I sincerely appreciated
the assignment.
12 Votes
Comments (2)
Alexi V
· 2025-01-01 10:57 UTC
Just how BIG is this thing I cant even imagine a 30 ton roll of paper let alone something to carry it around!
Love the writing style, and love the story, really made me laugh, more please.
Larry M
· 2024-12-04 12:32 UTC
Jeez, that made me laugh! and Im old enough to remember the 8080 and eeproms, and i can imagine the scene. MORE!
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