Why does trustarc.com damage your traffic?

The Curious Codex

             8 Votes

2024-04-29 Published
2024-06-16 Updated
158 Words, 1  Minute Read

The Author

By Matt (Virtualisation)

Matt has been with the firm since 2015.

Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 06.55.02

Why, why do this to your users?

For some inexplicable reason, some companies (RedHat, Oracle, BT) have decided to use a third party to display something in their websites

Whatever it is, appears top centre and stays there as an error box for about 20 seconds before vanishing and allowing you to continue.

Whatever trustarc.com is, its often down or unreachable and causes these errors. There seems to be no way around it except for waiting the prerequisite 20 seconds for it to go away because it blocks access to the rest of the DOM.

Who's using this irritation

Sites that seem to be using this irritation are listed as:

  • redhat.com
  • css-tricks.com
  • oracle.com
  • squarespace.com
  • answers.sap.com
  • digitalocean.com
  • answers.ea.com
  • poste.it
  • blogs.sap.com
  • account.sap.com
  • linode.com

Incidentally, we would have used Linode if they didn't have this irritation installed, so we used Ionos instead.

             8 Votes

Comments (1)

Yin Lee ยท 2024-07-08 15:47 UTC
Came here looking for a fix, but it seems its at the server side, well done oracle you useless doughnuts.

--- This content is not legal or financial advice & Solely the opinions of the author ---

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